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2023 Sara Mulroy Symposium

Maximizing Readiness for Rehab: An Interprofessional Approach

2023 Sara Mulroy Symposium

The Inaugural Sara J. Mulroy Spinal Cord Injury Symposium that occurred in March 2023 was a huge success! Attendees learned about various topics related to the theme: Maximizing Readiness for Rehab: An Interprofessional Approach. Here you will find the slides and, if available, recorded presentations from each speaker from this  inaugural symposium.

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Accreditation Statement

Rancho Research Institute


Philip S. Requejo, CEO

Spinal Shock & Acute SCI

Jeremy Lou, MD

Projected Functional Recovery

Jennifer Bashar, OTD, OTR/L, BCPR, CBIST

Robyn Buckner, DPT

Alberto Roman, SLP

Skin Management

Maria Martinez, RN, WCC

Christine Mata, DPT

Ina Gomez OTR/L

Contracture Management

René Alvarez, PT, ATP

Heidi Dombish, MS, OTR/L

Bowel & Bladder Management

Victoria Alvarenga, MSN, RN, CNS, CRRN

Autonomic Dysreflexia

Min-Ning Huang, MD, PhD

Trach Care

Christy Lee, BSN, RN

Laura Ludlow, MS, CCC-SLP

Created by the Pathokinesiology Lab for the Southern California Spinal Cord Injury Model System. This website is supported by the Administration of Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award (NIDILRR Grant 90SIMS004) with funding by ACL/HHS and The Craig Neilsen Foundation (Grant #641474). The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, the U.S. Government, or other funding sources.

©2022 by The Pathokinesiology Lab at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center.

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